1. Facebook Ads Campaigns

    Social Advertising’s privileged platform

    Do Facebook Ads work? Yes. We know how to make sure they do. The right profiling and timing are the key ingredients of all our Facebook Ads Campaigns. Nothing is left to chance: we combine our creative planning methods to achieve desired targets not only through exploiting facebook profiling, but also by increasing CTRs and Likes.

    We can generate a considerable volume not just of traffic, but volume that translates into sales and client response, thanks to precise wording of advertisements and brand development through Storytelling over time.

    Facebook Ads are Mobile: A unique tool that enables you to reach all users in your vicinity who are logged in with a mobile device.
  2. Contacts


    Mail: info@queryo.com

    Support Phone : +39 070 979 1458


    Privacy Information

    Queryo Advance Srl - VAT IT03570580922
    Società soggetta alla direzione e coordinamento di Tinexta S.p.A.

    Commercial offices:
    Piazza Sallustio n. 9, 00187 Roma
    Via Principi d’Acaja n.12, 10138 Torino

    Operational offices:
    Milano, Via Wittgens n. 2

    Registered office and headquarters:
    Via Riccione, 7 09045 Quartu S.E. (CA)

    Cap. Soc. 10.000 € - C.C.I.A.A. Cagliari Rea n°281678

    Evento Queryo